Maximizing Your Bottom Line: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Financial Benefits of Workplace Solutions
In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, companies constantly seek ways to optimize their operations and improve their bottom line. One of the key ways to achieve these goals is through workplace solutions, such as meeting room booking systems, desk booking systems, visitor management systems, and workplace occupancy sensors.
The Rise of Blended Work: How to Manage People and Space in a Blended Office Work Setup
To effectively manage a blended work environment, managers must find ways to communicate effectively with remote workers, provide the necessary technology to enable remote work and use office space efficiently.
5 Ways Smart Offices are Redefining the Workplace
In this article, we will explore five key ways in which smart offices are transforming the workplace:
What Do Different Generations Think About Hybrid Work?
In this post, we’ll explore how different generations feel about hybrid work and what employers can do to accommodate both groups:
Corporate Powerhouses Adopting The Hybrid Model
As enterprise companies continue to innovate and compete in the global marketplace during the pandemic, keeping pace with the latest trends is of utmost importance. It’s not just about responding to new market forces; as we know, it’s also about staying ahead of the curve.
How to Create a Better Hybrid Workplace?
If you’re thinking of going hybrid or are looking around for ways to make your existing hybrid setup better, here’s what you need to know:
Why is a hybrid workplace here to stay?
At the end of 2019, remote working was growing in popularity but still only represented about 5% of the workforce. A year later, many companies faced a global pandemic and lockdowns worldwide were forced to embrace remote work as the new status quo.
Features of a Visitor Management System
Today, touchless technology is a requirement for business owners. Companies must put employee safety first and provide the best tools to protect their workforces.
Make Better Use Of Space with Smart Technology
If improving space usage, boosting employee experience, and reducing real estate expenses are three of your priorities for this year, we at ProSpace have the solutions to help you achieve that.