Home 9 Hybrid Workspace 9 Here’s How to Motivate The Employees to Return to The Office

Here’s How to Motivate The Employees to Return to The Office

After getting used to working from home, most employees find it tough to return to their normal work schedule and setup. However, there are smart ways that employers can do to attract their employees back to the office. It will take some time, but if done right, this checklist will help employers get their dedicated team back while making them feel safe and excited about returning to being an in-house employees. 

Due to the pandemic, employees had a taste of Flexibility when working. Some have struggled to cope with the sudden loss of human interaction; many savored the freedom to work remotely in the comfort of their own home. 

As more people are becoming vaccinated and the idea that it will end the pandemic soon, employers are now eager to get their staff back in the office. Some employees want to go back to the physical office, but they are worried about their health and safety, which presents a dilemma. So, what can employers do to encourage their staff to go back to the office without using the hard fist? 

  1. Create a transparent communication

Whether the goal is to increase workflow efficiency and productivity or promote more successful collaborations, employers need to explain why and how. But, more importantly, listen to their worries when it comes to their health. 

Many surveys have shown that many employees would rather accept a low-paying job if it means they can work in a hybrid workplace. Accepting this fact now is better than taking a hard stance and forcing employees to work in the office like they used to. 

  1. Support Flexibility

Many enterprises have implemented a hybrid work model years before, but the Covid-19 has emphasized and forced employers to adopt it. Adding Flexibility to when, where, and how people will benefit the organization and the employees. Find the best hybrid work model that works, and come up with some compromise with the employees. Flexibility can also be in the form of split office days and remote days or flexible hours so that employees can have the option to avoid the pain of rush hour and have some more time with their families.

  1. Ensure safe and compelling spaces

A large group of employees said they’d feel secure if employers would mandate all employees to be vaccinated first before going back to the office. This will not only emphasize safety in the workplace; it will also put everyone’s mind at ease.

Consider ways to make the workplace exciting and compelling.  Invest in a work management software like ProSpace to create a healthy working environment for the employees. By having a desk and conference room booking system, employers can ensure that the workplace stays compliant to the health protocols such as safe distancing and limiting the number of people in a specific room or area. Aside from that, employers can also hire a professional cleaning staff who has the right cleaning tools and could keep all areas in the office adequately sanitized as people come and go.

  1. Keep the connection between employees going

For almost two years, people have only been connected through virtual meetings or collaboration in the workplace. Employers can arrange or host “return to work” group lunches or small group activities to eliminate the anxiety of engaging with other people in the office. Gestures like these are an excellent way for employees to talk to their colleagues and encourage them to reconnect without putting too much pressure.

  1. Digitizing the workplace

Modernize the way the office manages visitors and employees. With visitor management software, employers will not only implement a contactless visitor experience, but it would also allow them to keep the workplace secure and safe by requiring visitors to sign NDAs and health check forms before their scheduled visit. Employers can also upgrade their wayfinding signages and use a wayfinding kiosk. Help people navigate their way in the office and reach their desired destination with minimal contact with other people, disrupting work, and wasting time finding a specific room or area. 

To sum it all, enticing the employees to go back to the office will be a challenge, and taking away the freedom or Flexibility they got used to won’t make the task any easier. It will take a lot of listening and patience so that employers can determine the action they need to take to get their team back together – happy, healthy, and safe.

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