Home 9 Meeting Room Scheduling 9 Empower your Employees with New Age Meeting Room Scheduling Solution

Empower your Employees with New Age Meeting Room Scheduling Solution

How future-ready is your organization?

There has been a tremendous increase in technologies that aim to enhance productivity and at the same time empower employees by providing them with an easy-to-use solution. Workplaces globally should aim to become smart and digitally transformed. In order to become a smart workplace, companies should take a structured approach to digital transformation rather than adopting the latest technologies simply because they are available. It is advisable to start with a vision of the hybrid workplace and create a technology roadmap to get you there.

The very first step towards becoming a smart workplace is to address one of the common challenges, i.e. Workplace Productivity. Organizations should provide the infrastructure to improve workplace productivity. Employees should spend less time locating meeting rooms and spend more time focusing on the work. As per the JLL report, approximately an employee spent 30mns/week trying to locate available meeting rooms.

“Start with a vision of the hybrid workplace and create a technology roadmap to get you there.”

Before scouting for a meeting room scheduling solution, organizations should look for the following product features in the solution:

  • The solution should be easy to use
  • The solution should allow you to schedule a meeting anytime, anywhere
  • The solution should provide you with an insight that will allow the organization to plan its future technology investments and strategic changes
  • The solution should help organizations to auto release the unused meeting rooms or office spaces
  • The solution should allow organizations to easily add, delete, view, edit the meeting rooms, floors, buildings into the calendar
  • The solution should provide an оvеrvіеw of соmраnу conference room, аlоng with scheduled meeting tіmеѕ and details
  • The solution should allow users with the aррrорrіаtе реrmіѕѕіоnѕ tо book аvаіlаblе meeting rooms, mоdіfу еvеnt dеtаіlѕ, аnd invite attendees
  • The solution should equір аdmіnіѕtrаtоrѕ, ѕuсh as оffісе manager with tооlѕ tо mоdіfу uѕеr реrmіѕѕіоnѕ, rооm аnd rеѕоurсе details, and ѕресіfіс mееtіng іnfоrmаtіоn

If the organizations have addressed the above product features in the solution, then the organization is headed towards becoming a smart workplace. The solution will improve employee productivity and save a lot of man-hours. A vision and plan for implementation will help you deliver a competitive advantage and advance your organization’s goal.

Do you want your employees to focus on their work and spend less time locating available meeting rooms?
Connect with us and let us paint you a picture where our Space Scheduling solution will reduce your organizational costs and improve employee productivity.

New way of scheduling meeting rooms

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